4 facts for today.
1. I completely failed my economic test today. Think it will be a F. So that kind of sucks.. But we'll see!
2. It's getting warmer everyday, with tiny bits. Today it's 11 degrees!
3. I think Taylor Momsen is gorgeous :) I love her grunge style, her voice, her face, everything. So down below you found a video of her Covershoot at Teen Vogue. I really love her quote at the end: "If you wanna be original, don't try to be original, because as soon as you really try to be different, you look like everyone else." She's clever, right?
4. I'm thinking about quitting this blog to start a whole different and new one. Don't worry, I will keep blogging, but I'm just not happy with the way my blog is right now. I want more variation, pictures, music, video's, and I don't want to start all over on my own.. so I need a soulmate! And... I've found one! She's (yes, it's a she) one of my best, best friends, I love her. I think we can rock if we started together. It's only the question when we'll start. - So stay tuned, you'll see :)!!